Our Custom Stencil service specialises in tuning your business logo's into stencils. We get many requests from business who want their logo turning into a Stencil for a variety of different uses. It could be for marking tools & equipment, for advertising on the front of packaging, or if you're running a business event then you may need a stencil for face painting or personalising T Shirts with images or slogans. The list goes on and on.
We can cut your design to any size so it can be used to paint a large wall area or small enough to fit on a cheek. Get a Quote and you could have your stencils in a matter of days.
Please see just a few of the custom stencils we have produced for happy customers.

Logo stencils for breweries are always popular, and whisky companies often ask for circular designs for stencilling the ends of whisky barrels.

Another brewery logo stencil. This was large around 70x100cm and was spray painted onto wooden boarding to take to a marketing event.

Advertise a Business event using stencils - these custom logo stencils were used for chalk painting onto pavements - a temporary and legal way to advertise your brand/business/event

and what about face painting stencils... they are a great form of advertising at events... or great for sports matches and general fun!

Stencils can be great for advertising on packaging. SpaceSuit Rentals used a logo stencil to mark up and spray paint onto cardboard boxes.

This Large 6ft Stencil was used for spray painting onto a skateboard ramp at an event to advertise and promote the venue.

We have a sticky backed film which can be used with etching cream. Check out this great job done etching this logo onto glass.
We can help you with all your logo stencilling needs. Send us your business logo and we can design and cut your custom stencil... you can be getting your project underway in no time.